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Text and images © Rosalind Penfold

"A mesmerizing tale of how an independent, intelligent woman can get trapped in a relationship with an abusive male.Told through the format of a graphic novel, Dragonslippers pulled me into the vortex of Rosalind Penfold's experience and didn't let go.
Why didn't someone think of telling this all too common story through a graphic novel before?"

- Judy Rebick, Journalist & Author


"Rosalind Penfold's words and images strike like an arrow deep into the poisoned heart of spousal abuse. Her visual shorthand -- raw with flashes of brilliance -- portray the relentless betrayals that destroy the victim without also annihilating the reader. Authentic and courageous."

- Sylvia Fraser, Author


"Without a doubt, Dragonslippers will inspire anyone who must face the realities of an abusive relationship....this book will touch the minds and hearts of millions."

- Patricia Evans,
Author of "The Verbally Abusive Relationship"


"I LOVE THIS BOOK! I make everyone who comes to my house sit down and read it.It is really, really brilliant ...every woman needs a copy."

- Angela Shelton
http://travelingangel.blogspot.com/2005/06/dragon-slippers.html Award-winning film maker, Searching for Angela Shelton


"This book helps all of us to understand at the deepest level the devastation that is wrought by an abusive relationship.It is a valuable resource for friends and family, and all those who are working to prevent violence against women."

- Arei Bierstock, Psychotherapist